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Wild Turkey Rye 700ml

Wild Turkey Straight Rye Whiskey is an 81 proof (40.5% alcohol) ode to America's first distilled spirit: rye whiskey. Big, broad vanilla and spice notes burst through without changing the bold rye taste.

Willett Pot Still Reserve Bourbon 700ml

Nose is 'vanilla lemon cake', the palate is a balance of caramel, vanilla, spices and citrus. I'm not sure if they made the opulent bottle to match the Whiskey or vice versa.

Woodford Reserve Bourbon 375ml

Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey offers a perfectly balanced taste with more than 200 detectable flavour notes. Rich, luminous mahogany with honey tints. Elegant and creamy, with strong notes of vanilla that overlap a rich dark fruit medley, along with butterscotch, cinnamon and a dash of black pepper. Mouth-filling spice, vanilla, caramel and fruit flavours, with a touch of mint. The finish is long, smooth and clean, with slight spice and pepper - refreshing.

Woodford Reserve Bourbon 700ml

Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey offers a perfectly balanced taste with more than 200 detectable flavour notes. Rich, luminous mahogany with honey tints. Elegant and creamy, with strong notes of vanilla that overlap a rich dark fruit medley, along with butterscotch, cinnamon and a dash of black pepper. Mouth-filling spice, vanilla, caramel and fruit flavours, with a touch of mint. The finish is long, smooth and clean, with slight spice and pepper - refreshing.

X by Glenmorangie Single Malt 700ml

Made for mixing. In pursuit of new flavour combinations, Glenmorangie have crafted the perfect single malt whisky for mixing. Paired with your favourite mixer, X by Glenmorangie creates effortlessly delicious drinks. Glenmorangie drew upon their epic array of casks to achieve this lusciously free-wheeling whisky. Succulent aromas of pear, vanilla and honeysuckle oranges, set the stage for an extravaganza of flavour, from swirls of orange sherbet to bursts of creme brûlée drizzled with chocolate fudge.

Yankee Gin Spirit 1 Litre

Easy drinking Gin spirit best served with a mixer.

Yankee Vodka Spirit 1 Litre

Easy drinking Vodka spirit best served with a mixer.

Yen Gin 750ml

YEN Gin has undergone years of refining and perfecting by an award-winning mixologist turned Gin connoisseur to develop a balanced drink. YEN Gin is a premium spirit made with the finest quality of carefully selected locally foraged botanicals to procure a superior tasting Gin. YEN Gin is distilled at an artisanal spirits workshop in Christchurch, New Zealand and is produced in small batches.
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